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작성자태조이성계 조회 11회 작성일 2022-08-08 09:28:31 댓글 0


역사적 가치와 예술적 가치가 함께하는 고찰, 안성 칠현산 칠장사-천년의 여행 39회

#천년의 여행 #칠장사 #자장율사

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무여스님과 함께 하는 사찰여행 – 칠장사(경기 안성), Chiljangsa Temple[4k]

아름다운 사찰여행, 행복한 마음으로 시작하겠습니다.
갑자기 더워진 날씨에 건강 조심하시기 바랍니다.

경기도 안성에 있는 칠현산 칠장사에 다녀왔는데요. 칠장사는 신라 선덕여왕 자장율사에 의해서 창건되었다는 설이 전해지고 있으며, 고려시대에는 혜소국사가 왕명으로 중창했다고 합니다.
혜소국사가 일곱 명의 악인을 교화하여 현인으로 만들었다는 설화가 전해지고 있습니다.

대웅전, 명부전, 삼층석탑 등 많은 문화재가 있어서 역사적으로 중요한 의미가 있는 사찰입니다.
또한 궁예 이야기, 임꺽정 이야기, 박문수 이야기 등 칠장사에는 많은 이야기가 전해지고 있습니다.

아름다운 사찰에 대해서도 배우고, 재미있는 이야기도 들어보실래요?
즐겁게 보시고, 구독과 좋아요 부탁드립니다.

주소 : 경기 안성시 죽산면 칠장로 399-18
연락처 : 031-673-0776
홈페이지 : http://www.chiljangsa.org/

I am Buddist monk, Moo Yeo. I visited Chiljangsa Temple.
Chiljangsa Temple is located in Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.

후원계좌 : 국민은행, 권지영, 856901-00-051941
무여스님TV : This is a caption prepared by Buddhist monk Muyeo for foreigners visiting Chiljang Temple.

Nice to meet you. Beautiful temple tour.

Let's start with a happy and joyful heart.

A man walked in a desolate field and ran away from a crazy elephant and fell into a well.

There were four poisonous snakes swarming under the well.

He grasped the vine on the well unconsciously.

When he tried to go down, there were four poisonous snakes, and when he went up again, a crazy elephant was holding up.

He was glad to hold onto the vines and was trying not to die. But two black and white rats were gnawing his holding vines.

He was facing a desperate crisis, and that time honey was dripping from the vines.

He did forget a dangerous situation with the fun of licking honey.

It's a scripture that compares our lives. You will have to live a life that is always awake, without wasting your life in endless desires.

Today, I visited this temple with an awakened mind, and I came to a very good temple. This is Chiljang Temple in Chilhyeon Mountain in Anseong, Gyeonggi-do.

Iron flagpole is the tangible Cultural Heritage No. 39 was built during the mid-Joseon Period.

The flagpole is 43 centimeters in diameter and 9.9 meters in height, with a total height of 11.5 meters. The supports of this flagpole are three meters high.

Danggan refers to a flagpole for attaching a Tang (a kind of flag), a Buddhist tool dedicated to the meritorious deeds and prestige of Buddha and Bodhisattva.

Chiljang Temple monument is Historic Site of Anseong City No. 24, a granite monument located next to the flagpole supports. at the entrance of Chiljang Temple. It was built in 1671 (the 12th year of King Hyeonjong's reign).

The inscription of the stele erected on the rock contains , 〈The 44th year of the reign of Emperor Soongjeong of Ming>.

The back of the stele included the names of the donors.

Chiljang Temple was rebuilt in 1308 (the 34th year of King Chungnyeol's reign) to commemorate the virtues of National Preceptor Hyeso native to Juksan.

It is said that Chiljang Temple was founded by monk Jajang in the 5th year of Queen Seondeok of Silla.

It originated from the legend that State Preceptor Hyeso reconstructed Chiljang Temple by the royal order during the Goryeo Dynasty, and that he stayed here to edify seven villains and turn them into good men.

Seven bandits came to the temple and did bad things.

When a bandit saw that the water bowl was gold in the temple, he stole it, but when he brought it, it turned into an ordinary water bowl.

As this continued to happen to other bandits, the bandits came to think, "This must be the work of State Preceptor Hyeso testing us with magic power."

So they went to the State Preceptor Hyeso and begged him to repent of their mistakes and accept them as disciples.

When State Preceptor Hyeso gladly agreed, the seven bandits practiced hard and reached the status of Arhat.

Since then, the mountain behind the temple has been named Chilhyeonsan Mountain and Chiljangsa Temple in the sense of seven Sages.

Four Heavenly Kings of Chiljangsa Temple are clay modeling and are presumed to have been built in 1726 (the 2nd year of King Yeongjo's reign). The four fearful looking guardians of the heavenly king who guard the four quarters of heaven:

The Four Heavenly Kings are pressing down the corrupt officials and the wicked with their feet.

1) King Virudhaka, the guardian in the south in the form of a blue dragon.
2) King Dhrtarastra, the fearful aspect of the guardian in the east in white with a sword in his hand.
3) King Vaisravana, the guardian in the north in black with a lute in his hand.
4) King Virupaksa, the guardian in the west in red with a stupa in his hand.

* Daeungjeon Hall is Treasure No. 2036, which is the main hall of Chiljang Temple, and the main Buddha is Shakyamuni.

Daeungjeon Hall was reconstructed in 1790 (the 14th year of King Jeongjo's reign) and relocated in 1828 (the 28th year of King Sunjo's reign).

It is said to have great historical and academic value as it illustrates the architectural situation of the Buddhist temple in the late Joseon Dynasty in Gyeonggi Province.

The silky coloring paintwork, which particularly described some of the remaining flowers on the ceiling's blue board. The Korean temple buildings have few remaining the silky coloring paintwork.

The silky coloring paintwork is a three-dimensional coloring method by painting it several times with Chinese White.

The puppy is here to meet you.You're so cute.^Hi~

The seated wooden Shakyamuni Buddha Triad of Daeungjeon Hall is Gyeonggi-do's tangible cultural property No. 213, and this Buddha triad was produced in 1685.

Considering the body proportion and sculptural technique of the Buddha statues, both Buddha statues are typical of the late Joseon Dynasty.

The main Buddha, seated Shakyamuni Buddha is bent with his face forward.

Compared to the Buddha statues produced in the early and mid 17th centuries, the face takes up a large portion.

The left hand gestures Turning wheel of Dharma mudra with the thumb and middle finger in a circle, and the right hand gestures Surrender of Mara and touching the earth mudra that points to the floor with the fingers extended.

On the left side of Sakyamuni Buddha is Candragarbha Bodhisattva, and on the right is Maitreya Bodhisattva.

The painting of the Vulture Peak assembly is Gyeonggi-do Type Cultural Property No. 239.

The painting of the Vulture Peak assembly is a Buddhist painting depicting Sakyamuni Buddha preaching the Buddhist scriptures at the Vulture Peak assembly.

It's a typical work produced in the late 19th century.

The bronze bell is No. 25 local relic of Anseong City, and it is a valuable resource for studying the late Joseon bell.

The inscription was "Genryung 47th year (1782), the 22nd year of the reign of King Jeongjo of the Joseon Dynasty.

The standing Buddha statue of Bongopssa Temple site in Anseong is Treasure No. 983.

This Buddha statue was originally located at Bongopssa Temple in Juksan-myeon, but was moved to Chiljang Temple after being moved to Juksan Middle School. The statue and the halo were made of the same stone.

This Buddha statue is highly regarded as a material that shows the characteristics of this local Buddhist style, which was popular in the early Goryeo Dynasty.

There is a fleshy protuberance over the curly hair of the Buddha and severe wear on the eyes, nose, and mouth, so the overall impression is not well shown, but it is amicable.

Both ears are long and seem to touch the shoulder, creating dignity in harmony with the three wrinkles of the neck.

In terms of overall body expression, the hands are relatively large, but the head, shoulder width, and other body proportions are good.

Wontongjeon Hall is a pavilion where the main Buddha is Avalokitesvara.
Myeongbujeon Hall is a pavilion where the main Buddha is Ksitigarbha.

The Wooden Ksitigarbha triad and the statue of ten kings are Tangible Cultural Heritage No. 227 of Gyeonggi-do Province. In Myeongbujeon Hall, total of 21 wooden Ksitigarbah triad and the statue of ten kings were produced in 1706.

The King Mudokkwi and Domyeong saint are placed on both sides of Ksitigarbha who saves the suffering of the people in hell.

The reason why Ksitigarbha and Domyeong saint are together can be checked in the Peony Pavilion written by Tang Xianzu, China’s Shakespeare.

According to the Peony Pavilion, in 778, Buddhist monk Domyeong of Gaewon Temple in Yangju followed the messenger to the front of the King of Hades, but he returned to the mundane world because he was mistaken for monk Domyeong of Yongheung Temple.

The King Mudokkwi appears in the Sutra of the Original Vow of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, showing a hellish scene to a daughter who came to hell in search of her mother suffers. The King Mudokkwi is characterized by the fact that it is expressed only by the painting of Ksitigarbha triad in Korea.

The Three-story Stone Pagoda is Tangible Cultural Heritage No. 179.

This stone pagoda was originally scattered parts at the site of an old temple on Juksan Mountain. Then the all parts of stone pagoda refabricated at Seongwon Ranch, 460 Jukrim-ri.

Then the pagoda moved and refabricated to Chiljang Temple on November 28, 2005, and the material is granite.

It is estimated to have been made during the early Goryeo Dynasty.

There's also a bridge of passing the exam experienced by the secret royal inspector Park Moonsoo.^^
이한숙 : 무여스님
사찰여행 넘 좋아요
우리나라에 있는 모든사찰을 알려주시니
넘 감사합니다
안성 칠장사 몆번 가보았어요
가을에 단풍나무 바라보며 산행도 했었어요 오늘도 행복하세요 ♡♡♡
뚜벅이 : 오랜 세월 많은 사연을 품고있는 사찰이네요
산세에 맞게 위계가 느껴지는 전각들도 아주 멋지네요
전각안에 비천과 많은 아름다운 단청이 참 보기좋네요..해설도 넘 좋았습니다..감사합니다. ...()...
여여금강 : 고즈넉한 분위기 칠장사 우리문화유산의 寶庫네요
유산에 얽힌 역사이야기도 잘 설명해주시는 무여스님의 꼼꼼하신 해설과 함께 동행~
절로절로 따라갑니다
들리는 새소리들
불두화 데이지꽃도 이쁘고요
스님~덕분에 편안히 앉아서 힐링합니다

이병동 : 입구의 철당간이 인상적이네요^^
많은이야기와문화재로 시간가는줄몰랐습니다
스님과촬영하신분께 감사의마음을전합니다^^

안성 칠장사 /어사 박문수 삼수만에 장원급제 /임꺽정이 정말로 이곳에? /궁예가 어릴적 머물렀던 곳 / 이야기가 있는 사찰탐방 Ep.31

#이야기가있는사찰탐방 #사찰탐방 #산유수유
사찰여행 사찰기행 사찰순례 힐링여행
이슈창고 : 칠장사 다녀오셨네요.
좋은 기억이 있는 곳이에요.
잘 봤습니다.
사랑방tv-힐링 사찰여행 : '절따라 전설따라' 채널 부제로 하셔도 되겠습니다.
설명과 영상을 잘 구성하셨습니다.
칠장사 내력 잘 봤습니다.
Walker Lonely : 칠장사에는 재미있는 이야기가 많이 있군요
임꺽정의 작가는 설화나 전설을 많이 살려서 작품을 구성했다고 하는데, 임꺽정만 실제 인물이고 병해대사와 나머지 6명은 가상의 인물입니다
다만 혜소국사와 7명의 도적에 관한 전설을 기반으로 픽션화 했던 것이지요
그리고 실제로 임꺽정은 관군에게 쫒길때에 칠장사에서 숨어지냈다고 합니다
대한민국의미래 : 꺽정불에 관한 설화는 설화가 아닌 실제로 있었던 일이라는 이야기가 있습니다
모대학 팀에서 꺽정불의 조성시기를 측정했는데 임꺽정이 활동했던 시기와 거의 일치했다고 합니다
양평동구피 : 잔잔한 설명 듣기 좋고, 칠장사 가보고 싶어요. 자막넣는 비법도 배우고 싶습니다.




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